We Are...

  • Looking for women in automobile manufacturing industry: executives, designers, etc.
  • Looking for hot rodding women, online women, magazine, tv, radio, about your job, etc.
  • Looking for women that raced the previous weekend: drag, circle track, indy car, F1, any racer, motorcycle, Bonneville, etc.
  • Looking for young college age women into racing at local tracks or hot rodding women, etc.
  • Looking for young go-cart, drag racing girl racers, accomplishments, etc.
  • Looking for Ladies at Wyo Tech, UTI, or other schools, etc.
  • Looking for men who support, encourage, and promote women in hot rodding, drag racing, circle track, indy car, F1, any racer, motorcycle, Bonneville, etc.
  • Any ideas or thoughts, please share them with us for ourLIA Magazine.

Readers Stories and Rides

LIA Magazine always accepts stories about our reader's expierences and photos of their rides. Click here to email us your story or photos.

Professional Features and Articles

LIA Magazine is currently not accepting any freelance articles and photos for submission. Please check back periodically for any changes.

Contact your LIA Lady